Additional Applications

Other businesses and other monitoring needs?

Do you need to monitor gas concentrations in other context than covered by our other individual application web pages? Then you have come to the right place. OPSIS is a world-leading supplier of CEMS (continuous emissions monitoring system), i.e. system for continuous emissions monitoring. Our monitoring systems are also often used to provide control signals to industrial manufacturing processes. Our systems are in use in the most varied industries, also the ones we do not cover here. Of course, we are also open to completely new applications.


The modular OPSIS system solutions make it easy to adapt the monitoring equipment to different needs. The systems withstand very challenging environments. They can often also monitor concentrations of other gases than those mentioned on our web pages. We also have broad experience in adapting signal interfaces to our customers' varying operating environments, everything from current loops to communication via TCP/IP. We can also make data available via our cloud service OPSIS Data Services, ODS.

If you do not want to maintain and calibrate the monitoring systems yourself, OPSIS provides services with the help of our experienced service staff. You don't even have to own the systems, OPSIS also offers monitoring services where you only pay for quality-assured monitoring data that OPSIS delivers with availability guarantees under the term OPSIS Monitoring Services, OMS.

Several decades of experience have given us very good insights into what our customers need, and we are proud to be able to meet and many times exceed expectations. Don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your monitoring needs!


The OPSIS monitoring systems are based on gas analysers that have fast response times, are accurate, and require minimal maintenance. The monitoring takes place contact-free along light beams where gas molecules can absorb parts of the light. In process and emissions monitoring, light beams are sent through the gas channels, or some of the gases are led into measurement cells through which the light is sent. The light is captured and led via optical fibres to the analyser which measures the absorption and calculates the gas concentrations.

A single analyser can measure several types of gases along several light paths. This gives a very cost-effective monitoring system. The concentrations of many gases can be measured, for example NO, NO2, SO2, CO, CO2, H2O, HCl, HF, NH3, CH4, and Hg.

OPSIS also offers other products, e.g. dust and flow meters, data loggers, and reporting software, as well as services such as preventive maintenance, training, and calibration.


There are multiple reasons for choosing OPSIS as supplier of systems for gas analysis. Among the key benefits of the methods and solutions offered by OPSIS are:

  • one system for all components
  • a single system can measure at several monitoring points
  • combines the benefits of the UV-DOAS, FTIR-DOAS, and TDL techniques
  • best performance according to QAL1 certification
  • longest calibration interval according to QAL1 certification
  • optional automatic QAL3 control
  • non-contact monitoring, no sampling
  • long maintenance interval
  • low energy consumption
  • gas calibration only once a year
  • thousands of systems installed worldwide
  • certified by, among others, German TÜV and under British MCERTS standards.


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