Cloud Services

Data handling is as important as the instruments

Obtaining high-quality monitoring data requires the use of high-quality instruments. But this is not enough. It is equally important to use robust and secure information services to collect and analyse the data.


Accessing monitoring data in a simple and secure way can be a challenge. Configuring and operating a computer network for this purpose with servers, switches, firewalls, authentication, backups, updates, etc., can be both complicated and expensive.

OPSIS Data Services (ODS) saves you all these concerns. OPSIS takes care of everything related to the IT infrastructure to your Internet connection. You only need a computer or other device with its own Internet connection and browser to have your data presented in front of you, in near real-time if necessary.

ODS features

This is included in ODS:

  • subscription service - all costs are known from start
  • data collection and storage on ODS servers hosted by OPSIS
  • flexible access to data with multiple presentation options
  • compliance with the ISO 27001 information security standard
  • alarm functions
  • calculation possibilities
  • automatic data validation
  • data export functions.

Watch our video about OPSIS Data Services 

OPSIS Data Services (ODS) is our contribution to making data from monitoring stations available in a simple yet secure and reliable way.

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Do you have questions about our cloud services? Contact me!